辅导员在这里支持你的学术之旅. 辅导员可以在三个校区为学生提供帮助:主校区, 奇科中心, 以及奥兰多的格伦中心!
Counselors can help you find the right level of classes and assist you in designing a short- or long-term educational plan. 继续学习和回国的学生可以在学术问题上得到帮助, 计划毕业或转学, 并接受一般的学术指导.
- 开放预约: 这些都是可用的 one week 提前预约并保持开放,直到当周的所有预约都被填满为止.
- 当天预约: These are released at 8 AM from Monday to Thursday and remain available until all slots for the day are filled.
咨询办公室地点: 皇冠新现金网,主校区,学生行政服务,134室(SAS 134)
Note: New and Transfer-in students must complete an orientation before registering for Fall classes. Please ensure you complete your orientation before scheduling your counseling appointment. 你可以注册迎新课程 HERE
安排主校区 在人 预约咨询师
安排一个 奇科中心 亲自与咨询师预约
安排一个 格伦中心 亲自与咨询师预约
如需预约,请访问咨询中心 & 咨询办公室位于 Main Campus, Student Administrative 服务, Room 134 (SAS 134), or call us at 530-895-2378.
转学咨询中心 (TCC) provides counseling and transitional services to all students 希望上四年制学院或大学的. Emphasis is placed on making Butte students the highest priority for admission by focusing services and programs on major selection and four-year university specific requirements.
转学辅导办公室地点: 皇冠新现金网主校区,SAS 110
-只接受公开预约: 这些都是可用的 one week 提前预约并保持开放,直到当周的所有预约都被填满为止.
Note: 预约是为了 仅限转学生. If you are not a current or prospective Transfer student, please contact 一般的咨询.
体育咨询为新人提供帮助, 在各个领域继续和返回的学生运动员, 包括教育规划, 学术问题, 计划毕业或转学, 并提供一般的学术指导.
体育办公室地点: 皇冠新现金网,主校区,女更衣室101 (WLR 101)
-公开预约: 这些都是可用的 两个星期 提前预约并保持开放,直到当周的所有预约都被填满为止.
-当日预约: These are released at 8 AM from Monday to Thursday and remain available until all slots for the day are filled
安排一个n appointment with an 现金娱乐网注册 Counselor, To View Drop-in hours and more information!
安排一个面对面的预约, 让我们知道你是皇冠新现金网的一名运动员,并访问咨询中心 & 咨询办公室位于 Main Campus, Student Administrative 服务, Room 134 (SAS 134), or call us at 530-895-2378.
同时与巴特-格伦社区学院合作, the Office of 退伍军人服务 strives to ensure a positive and rewarding experience for all veteran and dependent students. Our goal is to provide the best possible service and guidance to help our veterans and their dependents achieve their educational goals. 参观 退伍军人服务网站 了解更多信息.
退伍军人办公室地点: 退伍军人办公室地点:主校区,摇摆空间C
安排一个面对面的预约, let us know you are a part of Veterans at 皇冠新现金网 and visit the Veterans Office located at the 主校区,Swing Space C或致电530-895-2566.
不断上升的学者 is a resource for formerly incarcerated and system impacted students (those who have experienced the effects of incarceration). 我们鼓励恢复性司法和囚犯维权联盟加入. 此外,冉冉升起的学者有一个专门的顾问.
新进学者办公室地点: 皇冠新现金网主校区学习资源中心137室(LRC 137)
安排一个面对面的预约, let us know you are a part of 不断上升的学者 at 皇冠新现金网 and visit the 咨询 & 咨询办公室位于 Main Campus, Student Administrative 服务, Room 134 (SAS 134), or call us at 530-895-2378.
咨询 and advising provides international students with the services and support needed to be successful at 皇冠新现金网 and long-term educational goals. 国际学生有专门的辅导员. 参观 国际学生网站 了解更多信息.
国际办公地点: 皇冠新现金网,主校区,学生行政服务,134室(SAS 134)
安排一个面对面的预约, let us know you are part of 国际学生 at 皇冠新现金网 and visit the 咨询 & 咨询办公室位于 Main Campus, Student Administrative 服务, Room 134 (SAS 134), or call us at 530-895-2378.
The MESA Program is dedicated to providing the resources and environment for 皇冠新现金网 students to succeed and transfer to four-year colleges in STEM-based majors. 这些专业包括生物学, 化学, 施工管理, 计算机科学, 工程, 环境科学, Geology, 数学, 和物理.
MESA办公地点: 皇冠新现金网,主校区ps141物理科学大楼
安排一个面对面的预约, let us know you are part of the MESA Program at 皇冠新现金网 and visit the 咨询 & 咨询办公室位于 Main Campus, Student Administrative 服务, Room 134 (SAS 134), or call us at 530-895-2378.
The 朋地Project at Butte College is a learning community focused on supporting students from educationally underrepresented backgrounds through the process of transferring from 皇冠新现金网 to four-year colleges and universities. Puente students develop a strong support system through the relationships they build with peers, 教员/员工, 以及社区导师. 普恩特的学生有一位专门的辅导员. 今天预约!
办公地点: 皇冠新现金网,主校区,学生行政服务,134室(SAS 134)
有兴趣加入普恩特计划? 填妥此兴趣表格: 学生兴趣表格
安排一个面对面的预约, let us know you are part of the 朋地Project at 皇冠新现金网 and visit the 咨询 & 咨询办公室位于 Main Campus, Student Administrative 服务, Room 134 (SAS 134), or call us at 530-895-2378.
1. 我如何联系心理咨询 & 咨询部门?
a. 请附上您的姓名、学号和您的要求 counseling@zakkaten-kanariya.com
NOTE: We cannot make your appointment via email due to the amount of processing questions we ask.
2. 我怎样才能拿到我在皇冠新现金网的非正式成绩单?
a. 点击这里 有关如何获得你的非正式成绩单副本的说明.
3. 我如何访问学位计划或我的教育计划?
a. 点击这里 学位策划人员
4. If you attended another college before coming to 皇冠新现金网 or have other college transcripts, 以下是你需要做的:
a. 请提交 官方 成绩单, evaluations@butte.ed并提交一份 成绩单评估表 来现金娱乐网注册 & 记录(&R)
b. 把你的成绩单寄给我们 counseling@zakkaten-kanariya.com
5. 我需要经济援助. 我该怎么办??
a. 联系 财政援助部 向财务援助专家寻求专家帮助.
b. 通知你的辅导员: Our counselors can provide some support, but please note they are not financial aid experts.
6. 你是否经历过影响你学习成绩的个人皇冠新现金网
a. We can listen and direct you to 皇冠新现金网's support services and community resources. Our counselors are skilled at helping students with various concerns affecting their educational success.
7. 我不知道我的专业是什么,我的职业目标是什么
a. 安排与职业专家的约会 就业中心部门.
b. After your career appointment, our counselors can help you map out your courses based on your goals.
参观皇冠新现金网 皇冠新现金网 Page:查看所需课程和项目图.
查一下皇冠新现金网 通识教育指引: Find information on the Associate Degree, CSU, and IGETC general education requirements.
Use ASSIST.ORG查找你所在大学专业的低级别转学课程要求.
证书s of Achievement (CA) and 证书s (CERT) equip students with specific skills or knowledge to enter skilled employment or progress toward specific careers. 18个单元以下的证书可以成为更大项目的基础, 例如成就证书(18个以上学分)或学位. Gainful Employment Disclosure information is provided for Career and Technical Education certificates in this catalog.
本地副学士学位- AA/AS
The Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Science (AS) degrees at 皇冠新现金网 are designed to facilitate transfer to a four-year institution, 满足社区需要, 或者服务于职业目的. 要获得这两个学位,学生必须完成皇冠新现金网本地通用电气模式. AA和AS学位也可能包括证书.
转学副学士学位- AA-T/AS-T
皇冠新现金网提供转到科罗拉多州立大学系统的副学士学位(AA-T/AS-T), 为获得科罗拉多州立大学专业和学士学位提供了一条清晰的途径. Students who complete these degrees are guaranteed admission with junior standing in the CSU system, 优先考虑CSU Chico的类似项目. This guarantee does not ensure admission to a specific CSU campus but to the CSU system as a whole. Students with an AA-T or AS-T can complete their remaining requirements for the 120-unit baccalaureate degree within 60 semester or 90 quarter units. 与某人会面 转会顾问 is encouraged to review transfer options and develop a comprehensive educational plan.
Not all UC majors require IGETC; some may prefer meeting the UC Transfer Eligibility requirements.
访问CCC转学顾问网站 最佳实践 提供咨询师创建的实践和材料的页面.
作为一名新生,与辅导员见面是必不可少的. Counselors help you find the right classes and create a personalized educational plan. 继续学习和回国的学生可以在学术问题上得到帮助, 计划毕业或转学, 并接受一般的学术指导.
残疾学生计划和服务(DSPS) -主校区SAS 238
延长就业机会计划和服务 -主校区SAS 281
激励学者计划 -主校区mc121
主校区-学生行政服务,134室(SAS 134)
Para servicio en Español, haga su cita con Julio Delgado, Melissa Melendrez y Melina Torres.
如需高棉语服务,请预约Serey Vann.